This whole blog thing is a learning experience in so many ways!  I’ve worked with WordPress but never had my own WordPress site before, so just the setup has been quite a process. Fortunately I have a friend who has helped me a lot.  Still, there are so many decisions.  Picking out the “theme” for how it will look, deciding on colors and layouts and what I want to see on the top and the bottom, and in the menus on the side…there’s been a lot to consider.   And that doesn’t even count all the decisions on content and how to organize it.  I’ll be working on that for awhile, and probably making some changes.

But the more fun part has been finding out so much about parks that I didn’t know!  In developing my quizzes and in putting together the data for my “Today’s Park Fact” tweets (#TodaysParkFact on twitter), I’ve already learned so much and gotten interesting ideas (at least I think they are interesting) for things to write about in the future.

The National Parks get a lot of press, but there are so many cool city and state parks!  Like Falls Park in Sioux Falls South Dakota, which has these beautiful falls and cascades where the Big Sioux River runs through it.    And did you know that Niagara Falls State Park in New York is considered to be the oldest state park in the United States?  (Niagara Falls is still on my bucket list.)

More places to add to my list for another “Tales of the Two Bit Traveler” road trip.


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