Thank you for visiting.  I’m just getting started and this site is very much a work in progress.

I enjoy visiting parks. National parks, state parks, city parks, county parks, and even theme parks…I’ve found that just about every park I have visited, whether small or large, has had something that makes it special.  And that’s what I want to share with you here.

This won’t be a comprehensive web site on everything having to do with any kind of park.  It will be a product of my own experiences, where I plan to share tips, photos, and information that I found interesting or useful, and I hope that you will, too.  And since I like taking on-line quizzes, you’ll find some of those here, too.

You can also follow me on Twitter @IHeartParksBlog – I post #TodaysParkFact every day with some random piece of information – some more random than others.

I welcome comments and suggestions – use the Contact page to let me know what you’d like to see.

Click on one of the links to the right to get started.